haring & the trouts

queer feminist country rock


NEXT GIGS__coming soon

Album SHE DON'T CARE out now on all platforms (spotify, youtube music, apple music...), lyrics and credits, review by Die Spurensucherin

march 2023__new pics from our studio session for the second album on our facebook page

may 2022__the trouts are part of the Spiel Mit Liederbuch

media__interview with sol haring in volksstimme, the trouts in the queer STS journal


haring & the trouts is a queer feminist alternative country rock band founded in 2010 by sol haring and kordula knaus. Brushing country against the grain their original songs about rebels, tough women, transgender, ageism or queer love are a manifest for empowerment and joyful pride. In 2016 they published their first album "enjoy the swim", in 2023 their second album "she don't care". haring & the trouts communicate via facebook, the music is available via soundcloudyoutube and other platforms (spotify, apple music etc).

◊ sol haring_vox, western guitar, blues harp ◊ kordula knaus_guitar, banjo ◊ anita peter mörth_bass, backing vox ◊ irma servatius_fiddle, backing vox ◊ jenny kremsner_drums/cajon, fiddle ◊ (stefanie egger_vox, fiddle)

◊◊ contact and booking

Album "Enjoy the Swim" straproductions 2016

references (selection)

Kunstgarten Graz (2024) ◊◊ Feminist (All)Star Constellations, KiG, Graz (2024) ◊◊ Cafe 7*Stern, Wien (2014, 2016, 2023) ◊◊ Kombüse, Graz (2023) ◊◊Volksstimmefest, Wien (2021) ◊◊ Triester Hafenfest, Graz (2021) ◊◊ Die Scherbe, Graz (2016, 2017, 2019) ◊◊ Cafe Wolf, Graz (2018) ◊◊ Cafe Centraal, Graz (2010-2018) ◊◊ Volksgarten, Graz, CSD-Parkfest (2012, 2016) ◊◊ Kopfbahnhof Bad Gleichenberg, Ausstellungseröffnung (2016) ◊◊ Kulturcafe Schwanberg (2015) ◊◊ Lendwirbel, Graz (2014, 2013) ◊◊ Party Genderforschung, Universität Graz (2014) ◊◊ Galerie Ligist, Ausstellungseröffnung (2013) ◊◊ Frauencafe, Wien (2012) ◊◊ Frauencafe Theater am Lend, Graz (2011, 2013) ◊◊ Postgarage, Graz, Spotting (2012) ◊◊ Ladyfest, Graz (2010, 2011, 2013)